UPDATE: Pine Crest Nursing Home Boiler Outage and Resident Status Update
Update for Residents, Families & Guardians: February 13, 2023
The boiler system has been fixed and is operational. All residents have been safely moved back to their original rooms and the affected areas are maintaining a comfortable temperature. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Update for Residents, Families & Guardians: February 10, 2023
The boiler system has been fixed and is operational. We will be waiting until Monday, Feb. 13 to move residents back to their original rooms so that the affected areas can get back up to a comfortable temperature. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Update for Residents, Families & Guardians: February 7, 2023
On Sunday, February 5, 2023, one of the boiler systems at Pine Crest Nursing Home in Merrill suffered operational failure, resulting in a loss of heat for two units within the building, the Special Care (dementia) and Rehab units. Pine Crest staff took quick action with internal notifications and reported the drop in temperature on Sunday. The Lincoln County Facilities team responded immediately to assess the situation and assist Pine Crest leadership in determining the course of action for residents and the estimated repair timeframe.
To ensure the safety of Pine Crest residents, 20 individuals in Special Care and 15 in Rehab were internally relocated on Sunday to unoccupied rooms within two wings of the Pine Crest building. The units affected by the loss of heat will remain vacant until the boiler repairs are complete. Additional hospitality aide staff have been deployed on the units to ensure resident comfort and safety during this time.
Notifications have been sent to residents, as well as guardians and POA’s, and additional updates will be provided on the North Central Health Care website, via phone and in-person, as the situation progresses. Frequent environmental assessments will be performed in the affected areas to ensure there is no facility damage due to the lowered temperatures, however, heat from the existing portions of the building is keeping the vacated areas at temperatures just under 60 degrees F. No damage has been sustained to any parts of the building due to the outage.
It is estimated that the outage may last until the end of the week and potentially through the weekend, as Lincoln County Facilities await the necessary parts for repair.
Admissions to Pine Crest will remain open during this time. If you have any questions, please contact Ryan Hanson, Pine Crest Administrator at 715.539.2539.