Covid-19 Resources for NCHC Employees
NCHC Employees: If you are experiencing any signs of illness, please DO NOT come to work. Contact your supervisor or manager immediately. You do not have to contact Employee Health as your supervisor/manager will complete all the necessary communication through SafetyZone. You will receive instructions on the course of action to take based on your individual circumstances as they align with our current policies.
While the Public Health Emergency from Covid-19 has ended, at NCHC we have continually revised our policies and procedures to match the guidance from regulating bodies including the CDC and the State of Wisconsin. We have updated the Employee Return to Work Flowchart, which you may have seen on your department Communication Boards or discussed with your manager in the past. As employees, it's good to review and understand for your own planning purposes in the event you become ill or have been exposed to Covid-19. However, your manager and Employee Health will provide you with all the information you need and will use this flowchart to communicate your return to work. Their job is to ensure NCHC is following the appropriate regulations for staff in the event someone is symptomatic, Covid-positive, or has been exposed. The health and safety of our employees and those we serve continue to be a top priority.
One thing that has not changed: If you are experiencing signs and symptoms of illness, please do not come to work. Stay home and report symptoms to your manager. Employee Health will reach out to you after your Manager enters your absence into SafetyZone.
Thank you for keeping infection prevention top of mind! Please contact your manager if you have any questions!
Looking for Covid-19 Vaccination Options?
Visit the For Employees Page for the up-to-date vaccination program requirements or keep scrolling down for options available in all 3 counties.
FREE Covid-19 Vaccination Opportunities
Vaccine Clinics Near Me:
Find a Covid-19 Vaccine (First, Second & Boosters) Near you:
Employee N95 Fit Testing
For staff in Community Living, Long Term Care, BHS Acute, Housekeeping, and Security programs at NCHC, you may be required to use a N95 mask. Proper use of N95 masks requires fit-testing to ensure the best possible fit for your face. Before wearing a N95 mask, you need to ensure you are fitted with the proper size.
If you have not been fit-tested for a N95 mask and it is required for your
position, please contact Learning & Development:
Cagney Martin 715.848.4482
Is It Covid-19?
Know the symptoms of Covid-19. The only way to know is to get tested. If
you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, contact your supervisor or
manager. Managers will complete a SafetyZone employee submission and Employee
Health will follow up with you as needed.
(Click the image to view the poster larger)
Employee Drive-thru testing for nursing home and direct care employees who are experiencing symptoms is no longer available. Please go to a local community testing facility, primary care physician or clinic.*
*Please note, routine testing required for nursing home employees is done in the NCHC facility with results provided from Employee Health or Director of Nursing.