Contact Directory

NCHL Front Desk Entrance

Emergency/Crisis Services

Toll-Free Call connecting you to Crisis Support in the Marathon, Langlade and Lincoln Counties.

Connecting you to Crisis Support in Marathon, Langlade and Lincoln Counties.

988 - National Suicide & Crisis Hotline connecting you to assistance in U.S. This number is not a direct dial to NCHC Crisis Services.

Crisis Center: 1150 Lake View Drive, Wausau 54403
Emergency and crisis care available 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week
No appointments required. Serving Langlade, Lincoln and Marathon Counties.

Community Treatment

Main Office 715.843.6120

Inpatient Behavioral Health

Behavioral Health Services Main Office: 715.848.4331

Outpatient Services

Outpatient Services by Location
Wausau Campus: 715.848.4356
Antigo Center: 715.627.6694
Merrill Center: 715.536.9482

For Deaf, Deaf-Blind, Hard-of-Hearing or Have Speech Disability with Standard Telephone

Wisconsin Relay 7-1-1 Service

The Wisconsin Relay Service is a free service for all Wisconsinites, connecting individuals who are deaf, deaf-blind, hard-of-hearing, or have a speech disability with users of standard telephones. Whether calling on a standard telephone or a text telephone (TTY, a special phone with a typewriter-style keyboard), relay makes communication simple, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

711 can be used to connect to any NCHC services or locations. When you dial 711, a communications assistant will connect you with the number you wish to reach at any of our locations. For more information about 711, please visit the WI Relay 711 website (